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Traditional bodywork

The human body works to restore itself 24/7. This can include physical repair, processing of experiences, thoughts, feelings, and emotions, storing memories, and creating ideas. While positive experiences is good rongoā medicine for people, the build-up of stress and busyness or even stagnation (the opposite) can lead to a general lack of wellness in one or several areas - the physical, emotional, cognition, and spiritual.  You are supported to release stress responses, within an environment that is safe and respectful.

Mahi Wairua, Romiromi

and Mirimiri

Mahi Wairua, Romiromi & Mirimiri are traditional Māori approaches through which hauora, a person's health can revitalise. Pressures and life circumstances can lead to aches, pains, tensions, heightened emotions, an overactive mind, vulnerability, and general lack of wellbeing.


These stressors can impact the hinengaro mindset, tinana body, whatumanawa emotions, rongo ā-puku instinct, and non-physical aspects of self like wairua spirit, mauri life force and hau vital essence. Clearing and releasing these responses and trapped energy aids the restoration of hauora.

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Working with the

physical and non-physical

On a physical level the body is adjusted and realigned with stimulation and vibration to haemata pressure points, the muscle, plus stretches and movements. Included can be Haa,  a type of breathwork, kohatu stones, rākau wood or witā/shrub, and waitai blessed seawater.


On a non-physical level a connection to Papatūānuku the natural environment and wairuatanga exists at all times. Karakia and kaupare, an ancient form of karakia are applied, and waiata can be sung. Mohiotanga and mātauranga Māori (ancestral and Māori knowledge) are essential aspects of this mahi. 


Whitiwhiti kōrero counseling an exchange of ideas and thoughts will materilise throughout. Support is given to take back charge of how life's  circumstances are being responded to, and not be at effect of them.​​

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How we mahi together

Sessions are held in a respectful safe space. We work together throughout the time so that you remain in charge of your healing process.


If we are meeting for the first time, sessions typically  involve the building of whanaungatanga  greeting and kōrero about the context for this mahi. Ahead of the traditional treatment a reading of your tinana is undertaken and will continue throughout the mahi. Maria will guide you with Haa techniques as needed and engage in whitiwhiti kōrero as relevant.  

Either a massage table or a rollable mat for floorwork is used. 




Four areas of hauora our traditional practice reaches

Te ngakau puāwai The flourishing heart. Te hinengaro puāwai The flourishing mindset. 

Hauora tinana Physical wellbeing. Te wairua puāwai Spiritual wellbeing.


Relieve or improve matters of the heart and emotions. Make connections. Strengthen relationships. Gain clarity of thought. Create a personal breakthrough. Evaluate direction. Strengthen resilience. Reduce busyness. Lessen overwhelm. Ease anxiety. Lift aspects of depression. Release stress related tension. Relieve tightness from restricted or limited movement in limbs, muscles or joints. Headaches or migraines. Preparation for upcoming operations. Let go of suppressed or unwanted emotions held in the body. To start or support a healing journey. Address generational trauma or clearing intergenerational ancestral trauma being held in the body. Create a healthier peaceful state. Feel renewed and lighter. Improve personal vitality and uplifting of mauri, life force. Gain understanding or clarity of matters that are impacting on their wairua or sense of self. Clear stuck, intrusive or unwanted energy.

People often report after a session that they feel:

Lighter | Clearer | Renewed | Restored | Lifted | Released | Acknowledged | Grateful | Amazed | A shift has happened.

See the testimonials page to read more detailed feedback.

Your preparation

Bodywork can be done with or without oil. If fully clothed wear comfortable loose clothing or stretch fabrics. If you choose to use oil, we supply sarongs to wrap in, and fleece covers / blankets for warmth when needed. The space is well heated. 

No food 1-hour prior: We suggest no food intake within 1-hour prior, for your comfort.


Hydration: It is best that your body is sufficiently hydrated in the days leading up to your session. Dehydration can heighten tenderness and pain on areas being worked on. It can also contribute to cramping, which can be unpleasant. 

No recreational substances 24-hours prior: To keep the space clear and all aspects of your whole system safe please do not take recreational substances prior to the session.    

What to expect during a session

Each session is a time deeply focused on the wellbeing of your hauora. Every person has there own experience.

Light touch to intense pressure: The techniques applied can range from a light sensation or touch to an intense pressure in specific areas. This will depend on what you have booked in for, and what arises during the session to work on. 

What can be a medium pressure for one person can be intense for another and vise versa. Maria works with you so that you are neither "surprised or shocked". 


Recognition of emotions & feelings

It is common for emotions or feelings to come to the forefront during a session. We acknowledge and safely release the most prominent of these. 


Physical tightness to be eased or released

Tightly held stress, tension, knots or  inflexibility inhibiting the flow and movement of the body's natural functions are supported to function well. 

Clarity over matters that have been troubling or challenging the hinengaro  mind.

Clearing of any extraneous energy that has been affecting personal mauri, hau, internal self perspective or outlook on life or others. 

What to allow for following a session:

Depending on the duration of the session and what comes up during that time, what follows can differ for each person. 

Our recommendations for everyone:

  • Keep yourself sufficiently hydrated. Preferably no alcohol within the first 24-hours.

  • Take time to let your whole system adjust, balance and settle.

  • Take time for an easy outdoor walk, swim, or other gentle activity

Within the first 24-72 hours expect:

  • To have a "deep or well needed sleep."

  • To feel the areas discussed to lighten, improve or go altogether 

  • If a deep romiromi has been booked expect some tenderness in the worked tissue areas followed by improved freedom and movement.

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Waiheke Island is a 35-min ferry ride from downtown Auckland. 

  • Onsite in Surfdale: A cute unique setting amongst trees and shrubbery.

  • Mobile service on Waiheke: Maria can travel to your location. A surcharge applies. Click here for more information in FAQ's.

In the warmer summer season, sessions are offered outdoors in the wairua of Papatūānuku. 

Auckland (Parnell)

These services are offered once a month in Auckland. On the last Thursday of the calendar month. Go to the 'Book Online' section for dates and booking availability.​​​

Hours of work

General business hours are at the bottom of the page. When making an appointment, the booking calendar will show availability for each service. 

Session duration

From 30-minutes to 3-hours depending on specific needs or wants of individuals. 

Price range

Standard prices range from NZD $60 to $340. Refer to the 'Book Online' section for specifics.

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Traditional bodywork rates schedule and duration of sessions

30 minutes

  Standard (new customers)    $60    

  Regular (return customers)    $50     

  NFP Organisations             $50

60 minutes

  Standard (new customers)    $120    

  Regular (return customers)    $95           

  NFP Organisations             $80

90 minutes

  Standard (new customers)    $175  

  Regular (return customers)    $135 

  NFP Organisations             $120

2 hours

  Standard (new customers)    $230    

  Regular (return customers)    $170     

  NFP Organisations             $165

2.5 hours

  Standard (new customers)    $285

  Regular (return customers)    $210         

  NFP Organisations             N/A.

3  hours

  Standard (new customers)    $340   

  Regular (return customers)    $250       

  NFP Organisations             N/A.

Kaumatua and Kuia 
A traditional koha in any form. Call or text to book. 

Community Services Card Holders
Call us to discuss.

​​Kairongōa and Massage Therapists 

Based on Waiheke Island. The 'Regular/Return' customer rate applies to you. Select this option when booking.​​ 

Standard / new customers rate

This rate is for people using our services less than three times a year.

​​Regular / return customers rate
This offer is for people who use our services at least three times a year, and intends on being a regular three times per year thereafter.

​​Not for profit organisations  
We offer reduced rates for NFP Organisations supporting people in health and social services. If you belong to a NFP Organisation wanting to book these services for your clients or your staff please contact us to discuss and confirm arrangements and provide appropriate forms for completion. A mobile service fee will apply.  

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