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Image by Ana Municio

Frequently asked questions

  • Alcohol and recreational substances - do I need to be free of these?
    While we are working together in a session I require you to be free of alcohol and recreational substances. If it is detected I will be unable to work with you. The session will be ended, and no refund will be provided.
  • Booking and Cancellation Policy
    Please read the entire booking and cancellation policy below. When you book an appointment with us: You confirm we are to exclusively reserve a place in our schedule for you. You understand we guarantee to turn up prepared and ready to work with you at the booked time. You give us the go-ahead to start preparing for your appointment and commencing services. You acknowledge that when cancellations occur within 48 hours of your booking, the capacity to fill your cancelled timeslot with another client is significantly reduced, and we incur a loss of income. Cancellations within 48 hours of an appointment have an impact on us, and as such, refunds are not given. Alternatives are outlined further down. Cancellations: Please ensure you want to buy before you purchase as no refunds are given should you cancel an appointment or 'change your mind' after booking. If you do not attend a booked appointment, the conditions below apply: 1. Cancellations with 48 hours prior notice, Refunds are not given for cancellations or no-shows. You can, Reschedule to a new date and time, or Find another person to use your original booking time, or Transfer into credit for use at a future date. Must be used within 3-months, or Transfer to a Gift Card that you can give to another person. Must be used within 3-months, or Donate forward to a person in need of the service. We will notify you once the service has been booked and used. 2. Cancellations within 48 hours prior notice, Refunds are not given for cancellations or no-shows. You can, Find another person to use your original booking time. Failing that you, Forfeit 50% of the $ value of the booking. With the remaining balance, you can, Reschedule to a new date and time, or Transfer into credit for use at a future date. Must be used within 3-months, or Transfer to a Gift Card that you can give to another person. Must be used within 3-months, or Donate forward to a person in need of the service. We will notify you once the service has been booked and used. Rescheduling appointments: Appointments can be rescheduled up to 48 hours prior to an appointment by clicking the 'view appointment details' link in your confirmation email. Rescheduling is subject to availability. Late arrival to appointments: If you are running late, text or call as soon as you know. Most often other appointments have been booked following yours. Therefore, if you run late, we stick to the allocated time you booked with us. This means you may not get the advantage of the whole time that's been scheduled for you, which would be unfortunate. You will not be given a refund for time missed due to arriving late. We urge you to be on time. If you do not make it, it will be considered a "no-show".
  • Confidentiality and Privacy Policy
    Whakapuāwai Ora Limited and its practitioners are governed by the Privacy Act 2020 and the Privacy Principles Client information is privileged and we treat it as such. We collect personal information such as name, contact information, location, interactions with us, billing or purchase information. We collect personal information appropriate to the service being provided to: be able to contact and communicate with clients, for the health and safety of both clients and our practitioners, for carrying out the delivery of our services to clients, and for billing information Providing some information is optional. If you choose not to provide the information requested either in our booking forms or on-site, in some instances, we may not be unable to provide the services on offer, and will advise you if applicable. All information regarding client participation will remain confidential to Whakapuāwai Ora Limited; except where: (i) A client agrees to disclosure, (ii) By law we are required to release client information despite our efforts to maintain confidentiality (for example if there is a risk to someone’s safety), (iii) It is the view of the practitioner that there is an immediate and foreseeable danger to the life or health of a person and disclosure is necessary to minimise or avert danger to the client, 3rd party or ourselves, (iv) Discussing the clients case professionally with a supervisor, mentor/advisor or expert in a professional capacity. In this case, client names and personal details are not disclosed. These practitioners also have a duty of confidentiality in relation to this. Storing information: We keep client information safe by storing it in encrypted files or securely locked files. We are required by law to hold client information for 7-years after which it is destroyed by securely erasing all digital data and files. Access to information: Clients have the right to ask for a copy of personal information we hold about them, and to ask for it to be corrected if they think it is wrong. Clients can contact us for a copy of their information, or to have it corrected. We request that this is done in writing by post or email, and not texting. Complaints: If clients feel a breach of their privacy has occurred, we encourage them to contact us first to discuss and respond. If after that, they are unsatisfied with the response, they can complain to the Health and Disabilities Privacy Commissioner, in the same way as breaches of the Privacy Act. Last updated 4 March, 2024.
  • Koha - do you accept this as payment?
    Koha is an option that we practice at Whakapuawai Ora. From time to time we offer koha based services for our community to take up. We promote this on the relevant pages as and when it is available. What is offered as a koha is not set by us, but by you. Generally, koha is understood to be a 'gift, offering, present, donation, contribution'. Traditionally it is part of maintaining social relationships and has connotations of reciprocity, but not in all cases. What is offered is decided by the giver. However, different Iwi and Hapu may have variations of Koha and how and when it is appropriate to be expressed.
  • Prescription Medication - do I need to stop these when working with you?
    We have no training or expertise in pharmaceutical medication; and neither advocate for or against medication that has been prescribed for you by your medical doctor. Any use of, changes to, or ceasing of medication you may be using is between your medical professional and you, and sits outside the remit of the service we offer. If the services and work we do with you, helps improve your health and well-being then we recommend you share this with your health professional for their information.
  • Mobile service
    For mobile service on Waiheke Island: I can travel to your location here on the island. There is a flat rate $30 surcharge per address. This contributes to fuel and setup and closedown time. For mobile service off the island: The rate will vary depending on the destination. Please email, text or call me directly with the location details and I will calculate the surcharge. This covers expenses and time-related to the travel. If you would like mobile service, please call or email and we will make the arrangements with you.
  • Online apps - which ones do you use?
    The following online virtual systems can be used: Zoom (most frequently used) Microsoft teams Skype Facebook messenger Google Video Chat What's App You will select a preferred option at the time of booking. We will send the applicable links to join our session. Please pre-test your equipment prior to our appointment to ensure your video, audio and microphone are working. Ensure any devices that you use are plugged in or fully charged, as you won't want them to stop part way through our session. If there are any issues connecting at our end we will either email or message you straight away. If there are any issues connecting at your end either email or message us straight away. If we do not hear from you within 10 minutes of start time it will be treated as a No-Show appointment. The goal is to have a seamless experience for you, where you gain the most value and help without interruption.
  • Payment options - what are they?
    Each of our services outlines what payment options are. There are: Free of charge 'Karakia' and 'Korero Wairua' are two services that are offered where our time is gifted, and not charged for. A koha exchange From time to time koha is offered on the website for certain services, to family, friends and the local Waiheke Island Community. The value of the koha and what is offered is not set by us, but by you. A funded service Any funded services and criteria will be advertised on the website alongside the service. A paid for service by the client or benefactor Any paid for services will be outlined in the 'Make a Booking' pages. Found by clicking on 'Make a Booking' icons. Paid for services are made in advance of the booking using the online payment system or internet banking. Cash is accepted if you are attending a face to face appointment.
  • Preparation - what, if any preparation do I need to do ahead of the appointment?"
    Preparation helps to get you ready so the time we spend together is focused and helps you get the most value possible. You will be emailed in advance of the appointment what (if any) preparation you need to do. The type of preparation you need to do will depend on what service you have booked in for. For some of our services, preparation is not required. We will let you know either way.
  • Running late - what happens if I think I won't start on time?
    Please be on time. If you are running late, text or call as soon as you know you're going to be late. Most often other appointments have been booked following yours. Therefore, if you run late, we stick to the allocated time you booked with us. This means you may not get the advantage of the whole time that's been scheduled for you. There is no refund for time missed due to late arrival.
  • Should I be ready 5-mins prior to our session?
    YES. Please be ready at lease 5-minutes prior to our session so that you get full value of the time we have. There is nothing worse than wasting 5-10 minutes sorting out phone or laptop issues, when instead we could be working through the important mahi. It is not always possible to run overtime at the end of the appointment due to other confirmed bookings.
  • Support person - can I bring one?
    Yes, in some circumstances, but not all. See below for more detail: Indigenous bodywork Yes - support people are welcome. Korero wairua Yes - support people are welcome. Coaching No - this is a time for one to one mahi. Workshops No - this is a time for people within the workshop to do self-work and share safely amongst the group. That said, if a support person wants to attend as a fellow participant because they have their own personal mahi to do, they are welcome to attend. If you are bringing a support person, let us know in advance of the session. Any support people will understand the korero and mahi will be central to you and your needs. The support person needs to be someone you can speak freely in front of, and who will hear information that is shared.
  • Why charge for Rongoā based services?
    Occasionally, perspectives are held by some people that Tohunga, Matakite, Rongoā Māori healers, should do their mahi free of charge. If we reflect on the time of our ancestors these roles would have been supported by family and local community (hapu, iwi or other). Usually in the form of a whare, kai, koha (home, food, gifts), care and assistance. In some circumstances service, items, resources or a persons time would be requested by the Tohunga or healer as part of an exchange for help, allowing them to focus on their work while other matters of wellbeing and survival were taken care of. In our present context Tohunga, Matakite, Rongoā Māori healers are faced with a modern economy. The need to earn a living in order to pay for everyday bills, food, living and travel costs. As well support their own family and local community too. Many working in this space not only practice their skill, but invest time in deepening knowledge, studying and learning, attending noho and wananga which are rarely free. For those whom this mahi is their living and business are bound by tax obligations, insurances and legislation. Other practitioners might have full time jobs, and perform these healing duties in their free time, where the service is provided voluntarily. A koha might later be given by the person or family who has been helped. All of these approaches are appropriate and the various forms of exchange set by the practicing healer.
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